Friends in school life is liken to a BIG FAMILY. Look at this group photo, buddies from different classes gather at a place and celebrate the end of the tiring and exhausting school life. Hereby, I would like to say that we're lucky to have a friend's house which is able to fit in these people although it is kinda packed. It's not a bad thing to say goodbye to high school but yet it's not a good thing to be parted with your friends. When it ends, everyone is gonna head to different destinations and create a new track of their lives. No one will ever know when and where are we able to meet again, always a question mark.
P.E.A.C.E is the significant pose of us from time to time x |
Throughout these years, I've encountered a load of problems and obstacles. Almost fall but still standing. Yet, thanks for the companion and the encouragement, all these really make me grow. Plus, thanks for reminding me and waking me up when I did wrong. You all even forgive my stupidity, bear with my weird character. Do sorry sorry and sorry for hurting you guys if I ever make mistakes in my speech. Massive thanks to you all for giving me such good and unforgettable memories.
It's really hard for us to gather again after all. Miss ya x |
Although I was just spending my years in school and tuition classes, I started to realise a lot. I've met different kind of person before, good and bad, weird and sane, true and fake. I know that a few years later, more are yet to come. People say that friendship in your high school life is the best of all as you've been knowing each other for many years and you understand the person, this makes the relationship long-lasting unless changes occur. When you're working in the society in the future, how can you guarantee that people around you are true to you, maybe what you see and feel is all just a lie, friends now but they'll stab you with their words the next day.
When I think back what I did in the past, I feel stupid sometimes. You know? We shouldn't trust people just so easily, trusting the wrong person will ruin your entire life. I almost lose one of my friends because of this. We gotta believe in our intuition but make sure that it is the right one. Some people are so true to be fake, no matter how bad they are, there is always someone to stand by their side. Ya, I know it's rude to say that this 'someone' is stupid but I can't find a better way to describe it.
Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you always find that bad things keep on happening on you, making you feel restless and want to give up. You may tend to ask why is your life so tough, it's just so bad luck. But when the tide is finally over, you'll find that what is hard makes you become stronger and you will realise that it does benefits you. More or less, you'll learn something which is helpful in building up a good character of yours. Do remember that what you face is all within your capability. I trust in God, you're never asked to overcome big issues which are beyond your ability. Stay STRONG x
Till we meet again!
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